
Sub-headings within this document:


# To enable news reading ability via Lynx, the environment variable NNTPSERVER
# must be set so that it points to your site's NNTP server
# (see Lynx Users Guide on environment variables).
# Lynx respects RFC 1738 (
# and does not accept a host field in news URLs (use nntp: instead of news: for
# the scheme if you wish to specify an NNTP host in a URL, as explained in the
# RFC).  If you have not set the variable externally, you can set it at run
# time via this configuration file.  It will not override an external setting.
# Note that on VMS it is set as a process logical rather than symbol, and will
# outlive the Lynx image.
# The news reading facility in Lynx is quite limited.  Lynx does not provide a
# full featured news reader with elaborate error checking and safety features.


# If LIST_NEWS_NUMBERS is set TRUE, Lynx will use an ordered list and include
# the numbers of articles in news listings, instead of using an unordered
# list.  The default is defined in userdefs.h, and can be overridden here.


# If LIST_NEWS_DATES is set TRUE, Lynx will include the dates of articles in
# news listings.  The dates always are included in the articles, themselves.
# The default is defined in userdefs.h, and can be overridden here.



# NEWS_CHUNK_SIZE and NEWS_MAX_CHUNK regulate the chunking of news article
# listings with inclusion of links for listing earlier and/or later articles.
# The defaults are defined in HTNews.c as 30 and 40, respectively.  If the
# news group contains more than NEWS_MAX_CHUNK articles, they will be listed
# in NEWS_CHUNK_SIZE chunks.  You can change the defaults here, and/or on
# the command line via -newschunksize=NUMBER and/or -newsmaxchunk=NUMBER
# switches.  Note that if the chunk size is increased, here or on the command
# line, to a value greater than the current maximum, the maximum will be
# increased to that number.  Conversely, if the maximum is set to a number
# less than the current chunk size, the chunk size will be reduced to that
# number.  Thus, you need use only one of the two switches on the command
# line, based on the direction of intended change relative to the compilation
# or configuration defaults.  The compilation defaults ensure that there will
# be at least 10 earlier articles before bothering to chunk and create a link
# for earlier articles.


# Set NEWS_POSTING to FALSE if you do not want to support posting to
# news groups via Lynx.  If left TRUE, Lynx will use its news gateway to
# post new messages or followups to news groups, using the URL schemes
# described in the "Supported URLs" section of the online 'h'elp.  The
# posts will be attempted via the nntp server specified in the URL, or
# if none was specified, via the NNTPSERVER configuration or environment
# variable.  Links with these URLs for posting or sending followups are
# created by the news gateway when reading group listings or articles
# from nntp servers if the server indicates that it permits posting.
# The compilation default set in userdefs.h can be changed here.  If
# the default is TRUE, posting can still be disallowed via the
# -restrictions command line switch.
# The posting facility in Lynx is quite limited.  Lynx does not provide a
# full featured news poster with elaborate error checking and safety features.


# LYNX_SIG_FILE defines the name of a file containing a signature which
# can be appended to email messages and news postings or followups.  The
# user will be prompted whether to append it.  It is sought in the home
# directory.  If it is in a subdirectory, begin it with a dot-slash
# (e.g., ./lynx/.lynxsig).  The definition is set in userdefs.h and can
# be changed here.

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