Cheetah the Cat


Cheetah died a while ago [2008/Jun/15]. After about thirteen years of friendship I'm still kind of sad about that, but not doing too badly overall. I'll probably take most of this section down later, but this is staying. May end up in the Linux section.

Then I'll probably go volunteer at the SPCA, or another [preferably no-kill] shelter as soon as this site gets sorted out... But, considering how some other computer-related projects go, yes I realize this could take years.

I'll have to get out of debt before I can take on the responsibility of a new owner anyway. Wouldn't hurt to have some emergency money saved up for emergencies either. [That should only take a few months.] In the meantime, volunteering seems like a good way to make myself useful, and get out a bit more, without the financial [read: veterinary] responsibilities.

Anyway, cat pictures and stuff.

Linux for Beginners
So... How do you work this thing?
These were taken shortly after having her thyroid irradiated at a local veterinary hospital. She'd settled in nicely there, but was glad to be home [the treatment itself is just one shot, but since radioactive isotopes are used they had to wait a week, basically a few half-lives before letting her go].
The mention of Iodine-131 treatment is a little ways down-thread, in the link above [redirects to Google Groups]. Mostly a `duelling con-artists' thread, in the style of the Nigerian Inheritance scam. Something about selling I-131 to the Iranians.
Stuff that didn't fit anywhere else.

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